Holy Cross Holy Cross
4041 W. 120th St. * 708.597.5209
An LCMS Congregation


If you are seeking a place to hear God's Word and receive His help in a warm, friendly setting, Holy Cross is the right place. Holy Cross is the right place for your entire family. It's the right place for the young - we have a Sunday School and a Youth Group. It's the right place for the adult with groups and classes available for spiritual enrichment. It's right for you! Come! Check us out!


Lutherans are people. There are about 80 million of us throughout the world.

Lutherans are sinners. That seems like a strange thing to say about us. But it's true. You see Lutherans take very seriously the Biblical account of the Fall of man. We see in this account our own sinfulness. Sinfulness is a serious condition causing alienation, despair and death.

Lutherans are saints. Lutheran Christians are saints - as are Christians of any denomination. You see a saint is a forgiven sinner- that is, one who knows and believes that Jesus Christ, the only Son of God lived and died to forgive them their sins.

Lutherans are Baptism people. Lutherans know the importance of living anew in God. Lutherans believe God's Word - the Bible, when it says that Baptism is "the washing of regeneration and renewal in the Holy Spirit" (Titus 3:5). Therefore Lutherans baptize infants, children and adults believing God - that Baptism is His way of bringing people to faith and eternal life.

Lutherans are Good News people. The history of what Jesus Christ has done for us is the Gospel, the Good News, the heart and core of the Bible. The Bible is very important to Lutherans. We take very seriously we read in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation not as if it was someone's idea of what God wants us to know, but what it is - God's Word to us.

Lutherans are Sharers of the Good News. Through Word and deed, Lutherans are active in getting the Word out that Jesus is the only Savior of the world. We are concerned that others hear the Good News of God's love in Jesus Christ.

Lutherans are Concerned about Others. Lutherans believe that everyone is important and that the whole person is precious. That's why Lutherans are eager to give food to the hungry and at the same time eager to share the Bread of Life with a person in spiritual need. Poverty, injustice, prejudice, racism, and hunger are the results of evil in our world. Lutheran Christians seek to eradicate these.

Lutherans are Forward Looking People. Lutherans believe that Jesus Christ is coming again. Lutherans believe that the day is coming when Christ will return and the new heavens and the new earth prepared by Christ will become a glorious reality. Until that great day comes, Lutheran Christians regularly and gratefully receive the sacrament of Holy Communion, the very body and blood of Christ, for the forgiveness of sins and for new strength to serve one another until Jesus comes again.

To find out more about Lutherans please go to our denomination's website- The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.